About Working Groups
Working groups are committees within the HSA led by board members and volunteers to work on a project, task, or event. You may join any of these groups to contribute to a successful school year. Board members and / or committee chairs will be in touch with you on occasion when they need help with a particular task. For more information, contact the vice president or sign up using the button below. Thank you!
5K & 1 Mile Fun Run Event
Beautification (NEW!)
Book Fair
- Help with set up and tear down
- Work shifts during the fair
- Help students choose books
The finance team is critical in helping the HSA treasurer.
Tasks include:
The HSA raises funds in order to fulfill our mission to help maintain, empower, and further enhance Penn Alexander School in order to provide the best possible learning environment for our children. This group works to support fundraising efforts.
Tasks include:
- Manage appeals for giving such as Giving Tuesday
- Brainstorm and execute new fundraising opportunities
- Solicit sponsorships for the 5K and musical playbill