About Working Groups

Working groups are committees within the HSA led by board members and volunteers to work on a project, task, or event. You may join any of these groups to contribute to a successful school year. Board members and / or committee chairs will be in touch with you on occasion when they need help with a particular task. For more information, contact the vice president or sign up using the button below. Thank you!

Sign Up Form


5K & 1 Mile Fun Run Event

This event is so big, it needs its own working group! The run is usually held in early June. The committee is formed in January and meets approx. 2 times / month.
Tasks include:
- Volunteer during event
- Advertise race
- Solicit sponsorships for race T-shirt
- Solicit prizes and race bag swag from local businesses
- Procure food and supplies

Beautification (NEW!)

This new committee will help keep the PAS grounds litter-free and safe year round.
Tasks include:
-Participate in clean up sessions

Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is held once or twice a year, usually around report card conferences.
Tasks include:

- Help with set up and tear down

- Work shifts during the fair

- Help students choose books



The HSA needs help communicating information through our various channels.
Tasks include:
- Manage social media presence
- Room parent communication
- Update HSA website
- Help with weekly HSA e-newsletter
- Create graphics and flyers


We hold events throughout the year such as the Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival, Sadie Alexander Birthday Party, Pancake Breakfast, Ice Skating Party, and Spring Musical.
Tasks include:
- Volunteer during events
- Pick up supplies
- Coordinate event details and logistics
- Help with set up and clean up


The finance team is critical in helping the HSA treasurer. 

Tasks include:

- Count money
- Make deposits
- Pay bills
- Manage school gear inventory
- Create reports
- Perform finance audits


The HSA raises funds in order to fulfill our mission to help maintain, empower, and further enhance Penn Alexander School in order to provide the best possible learning environment for our children. This group works to support fundraising efforts.


Tasks include: 

- Manage appeals for giving such as Giving Tuesday

- Brainstorm and execute new fundraising opportunities

- Solicit sponsorships for the 5K and musical playbill


This committee is formed each January and remains active through elections in May.
Tasks include:
Help recruit new board members
- Help transition and train new board members

Teacher & Staff Appreciation

Help make sure our teachers and staff feel supported and appreciated all year long and especially during May's Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week.
Tasks include:
-Help welcome the teachers back on their first day of school
-Pick up supplies and food
-Ring the bell at pick up and drop off during gift collections in December and June
-Help with decorating, set up, and clean up