Originally delivered on 11/24/2024 7:00 pm

SUBJECT: PAS ePony Week of Nov. 25

Penn Alexander School

Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander University of Pennsylvania Partnership School

PAS ePony Nov. 25, 2024
Message from the Principal

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the  Harvest Food DriveThis 23 year tradition at the school supports the University City Hospitality Coalition which provides free meals in our community.   Funds raised on Wednesday's Dress Down Day will be donated to support their critical work.

If you missed last week's Coffee With the Principal, click HERE to review the slidedeck.

All City Choral Festival on Tuesday at Temple. All are welcome to attend. 

Calling all science fair judges!  Our grades 4-5 science fair will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 9-10:30am in the school's atrium. No experience necessary.  Come out to support our junior scientists by signing up HERE to be a judge.

As a token of their appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!

  • 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
  • 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
  • 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
  • To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
Week at a Glance
Monday, November 25
All City Choir Rehearsal
7:45a Frozen Choir Audition Rehearsal (Permission Slip Required)
Tuesday, November 26
7:00p All City Choir Performance
Wednesday, November 27
3 hour early dismissal for students and staff
Dress Down Day
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Recess; School closed for students and staff; Administrative offices closed
Friday, November 29
Thanksgiving Recess; School closed for students and staff; Administrative offices closed
Upcoming PAS Events
Reminders & Resources
Don't Forget!

New PAS Gear is for Sale! Get your PAS branded (and uniform-compliant) sweatpants, hoodies, shirts, and beanie hats HERE.

From the HSA...

Our Giving Tuesday appeal in support of Penn Alexander School is going strong. We are thrilled to announce that Penn employees (and adding in the expected Penn's Way match contribution too) have donated $31,027 to the PAS HSA. Add that to the $17,443 already raised, and that means that we have raised a total of $48,470 towards our $75,000 goal! If you have donated through Penn's Way, please notify Finance@HSAPennAlexander.org of your matching contribution amount so we can count it towards our goal.

The financial contributions parents, guardians, and community members make to the HSA are critical to making Penn Alexander the school that we all know and love. These funds support teaching materials, classroom and afterschool programming, professional development, teacher and staff appreciation, campus and building improvements, and field trips. In addition, the HSA has pledged $50,000 each year to support the school’s full time arts program – one of our most important commitments that supports every student, every week, in every grade.

Please help us meet our $75,000 goal between now and December 3!! Donate HERE, and thank you!

Specialist Corner

Please visit each Specialty Program web page to learn more:

Community at Large

The programs listed below have either shared fliers with the school or are within a few blocks of Penn Alexander. These programs are not affiliated with Penn Alexander; as such, families should evaluate each program to ensure it is the right fit for their family.  

Community Resources Shared by SDP HSA

Free SDP Health Resources

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