National Coming Out Day

Every year National Coming Out Day celebrates the LBBTQIA+ community and draws attentionto the challenges the LGBTQIA+ continues to face as a community. Coming Out Day wasfounded in 1988 by Richard Eichberg, a psychologist and Jean O'Leary, a gay rights activist, toraise awareness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and its civilrights movement. They chose October 11th to mark the anniversary of the second majorNational March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, which took place in 1987. Withestimates of half a million people participating, it was nearly five times the size of the firstmarch in 1979. National Coming Out Day is observed throughout the U.S. and other countriesaround the world. Check out this additional resource that explains what you can do if a childcomes out to you and this resource that explains school district policy 252. 
Friday, October 11, 2024