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Back to School Night

9/17/2024 5:30 pm


Meet the Teachers at Back to School Night


Tuesday, September 17: Grades K-5

Wednesday, September 18: Grades 6-8

5:30-7:30 PM


Location: Meet in the Atrium from 5:30-5:50 and then disperse (see details below.)


Join us to meet your child's teachers and all of the specials teachers, visit the classrooms, and learn about school programming and how to support your students so they have a strong start to the 2024-2025 School Year! Learn more about the HSA, SAC, and Equity Circle too.


Still need to order school supplies? Details HERE.


Pizza and childcare provided on Tuesday. Childcare options include quiet time in the library with Ms. Barnes or active activities with Kat Bezhani of Kat Academy on the blacktop or gym.

Childcare RSVP HERE


ALL Grades: 5:30-5:50 PM:

Meet the Administration and Specialists in the Atrium. Then you will disperse.



5:55-6:30 PM: Session I in your child's classroom (only 1 session offered for kindergarten)


First Grade:

5:50-6:30 PM: Session I: 1st grade meeting in the lunchroom
6:30-6:40 PM: Session I: Classroom tours
6:40-7:20 PM: Session II: 1st grade meeting in the lunchroom (repeat of Session I)
7:20-7:30 PM: Session II: Classroom tours (repeat of Session I)

Second Grade:

5:50-6:40 PM: Session I: 2nd grade meeting in the 2nd grade pod followed by classroom visits
6:40-7:30 PM: Session II: 2nd grade meeting in the 2nd grade pod followed by classroom visits (repeat of session I)

Third Grade:

5:55-6:40 PM: Session I in classrooms (108, 109, 110)
6:45-7:30 PM: Session II in the classrooms (108, 109, 110). This is a repeat of Session I

Fourth Grade:

Fifth Grade:

Middle School (6-8):

6:00-6:20 PM: First Block
6:20-6:40 PM: 2nd Block
6:40-7:00 PM: 3rd Block
7:00-7:20 PM: Available for individual questions
Back to School Night for middle school is one session for 2 hours. Families will be given instructions when they arrive on which classroom to attend for each block.