PAS 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
2/8/2025 8:30 am
13th Annual PAS 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run / Walk
Sunday, June 8
5K: 8:30 AM
1 Mile Fun Run: 9:30 AM
Support STEAM Education at Penn Alexander School by running, volunteering your time, or becoming a sponsor for the culminating event of the year. Get a healthy start to your summer, and register now!
All classes with at least 50% participation will receive a doughnut party!
The 5K Course will take you through the Penn campus on Locust Walk to Penn Park, and back. The 1 Mile Fun Run will go to the compass at 37th and Locust and back. The start and finish line will be on Locust Street, by the PAS playground. We are asking that runners do not bring pets or strollers on the 5K course and to train to be off the course by 9:20 AM to ensure a safe start to the 1 Mile Fun Run. Strollers for the 1 Mile Fun Run are welcome.
If you or your child have been diagnosed with a medical condition, like asthma, please use this link to make the race staff aware. All persons diagnosed with asthma MUST CARRY THEIR INHALER on their person at all times during the race. For any questions, please contact Nurse Natanya.
Prizes will be awarded to 5K runners across age categories at the conclusion of the 1 Mile Fun Run. All 1 Mile Fun Run participants will receive a medal as they cross the finish line.
Friday, February 14 through Friday, February 21: Adults: $30; Students: $20
Early Bird Pricing February 22 through March 31: Adults: $35; Students: $25
Regular Pricing April 1 through June 1: Adults: $40; Students: $30
Day of Race Pricing starting at 7:30 AM: Adults: $50; Students: $40
Race registration insurance available. All runners will receive a FREE purple cotton T-shirt.
NEW THIS YEAR: PERFORMANCE T-SHIRT OPTION! Interested in upgrading your cotton race shirt to a performance shirt? We are now selling a 100% purple polyester moisture-wicking T-shirt that has the same student-created race logo on the front and sponsors on the back as our classic cotton race tee that is included with registration. Performance shirts are an additional $15. Cotton shirts are still included in registration cost unless declined. The 5K logo was created by 6th grader Violet Mills. Additional add-on option: purple cowbell (to help cheer on runners) with 5K logo for only $2!
All classes with at least 50% participation will receive a doughnut party!
We will no longer be sending home race packets with students. Packet pick-up will occur in/near the PAS cafeteria on Wednesday, June 4 and Thursday, June 5 from 8-9 AM and 3-6:15 PM. Race packets will also be available at the Day of Registration table across from the PAS front door in the courtyard on race day.
Order by Thursday, May 1 to be guaranteed a T-shirt.
All Hands on Deck! We need over one hundred volunteers to help out with the race. This is our school's biggest fundraiser, and we can't do it without you. We will follow-up with additional information and details after you sign up. If you have questions before signing up, please contact Casey Boss.
All day-of race volunteers receive a FREE 100% cotton T-shirt (PAS uniform-compliant). As an added incentive, 'on-course' 5K volunteers will receive a FREE snack bag when they check in to keep them nourished while cheering on runners!
You must be logged in to see the sign up forms!
Running Clubs: the more parents who can help mean the more children who can participate in these popular clubs April 21-June 6. Clearances needed.
We are so grateful to the many businesses and individuals who have agreed to help sponsor our race! Our goal is to raise $30,000, money that goes straight back to our children's classrooms in one form or another. Please visit our sponsorship page for more details on sponsorship levels and perks. If you can recommend any businesses (your employer, stylist, dentist, contractor, apartment manager, etc.), please let us know by submitting the sponsorship form HERE! The deadline to become a T-shirt sponsor is April 30.
Science & Technology Level: $2,500+
Engineering Level: $1,000+
Art Level: $500+