HSA Speaker Series

HSA Meeting and Speaker Series Panel Discussion on Neurodiversity for the Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Family featuring María Cioè-Peña and Tawanna Jones

Wednesday, April 2, 6:00-7:30 PM

Location: Cafeteria, enter from the Blacktop

Schedule: 6:00-6:15 PM: Arrival and dinner

6:15-6:30 PM: Dinner and HSA meeting

6:30-7:30 PM: Panel discussion


All are welcome to attend an HSA speaker series meeting about neurodiversity. Principal Overton will monitor a panel discussion on neurodiversity, including how to get your concerns and questions answered.

Dinner and childcare will be provided.

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Contact Elected Officials

How to Contact Elected Officials

Want to Take Action but Aren't Sure Where To Start?


There are many federal, state, and local policies that have a direct impact on our school community. Just as we are encouraged to share our stories within the PAS community, we should also share our stories with our elected officials – to let them know how their policies impact our families and our communities, and to advocate for the issues that matter most to us.


The PAS Equity Circle has put together a guide to help you get in touch with your representatives. This guide is not intended to tell you what to say, but simply to give you the tools to have your voice heard.


Click Read More for resources, links, and tips for contacting your elected officials.


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Social Media

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